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What is your favourite historical period?

The Stuart times, there was so many events that made history. The gunpowder plot, the civil war, the great fire of London, Mary, Queen of Scots; her trail and execution. I could go on and on about this period.

Who is your favourite monarch?

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, his family and their execution are part of the reason I love history. 

What is your favourite royal house?

The House of Windsor. 

What monarchs would you have a cup of tea with? 

Nicholas II of Russia, Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, George VI of United Kingdom, Marie Antoinette of France,  

If you could find out one historical mystery, what would it be?

What really happened to the two princes in the tower of London.

If you could time travel, what one historical event would you witness?

After a long hard think, I would choose to witness the VE celebrations all over the different allied countries. Just to soak up the atmosphere and party the days away. In photos and videos from the time it looks unbelievable.

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